Monday, February 09, 2004
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Three World Wars
Excerpts - What is the new world order?
"A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.
There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, (my emphasis) thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited."
Conspirators Hierarchy - Dr John Coleman 1992
"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
Paul Warburg - (February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate)
Why the Conspiracy is Unknown
The sheer magnitude and complex web of deceit surrounding the individuals and organizations involved in this conspiracy is mind boggling, even for the most astute among us. Most people react with disbelief and skepticism towards the topic, unaware that they have been conditioned (brainwashed) to react with skepticism by institutional and media influences. Author and de-programmer Fritz Springmeier (The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines) says that most people have built in "slides" that short circuit the mind's critical examination process when it comes to certain sensitive topics. "Slides", Springmeier reports, is a CIA term for a conditioned type of response which dead ends a person's thinking and terminates debate or examination of the topic at hand. (my emphasis) For example, the mention of the word "conspiracy" often solicits a slide response with many people.
What most people believe to be "Public Opinion" is in reality carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from the public. Public opinion polls are really taken with the intent of gauging the public's acceptance of the New World Order's planned programs. A strong showing in the polls tells them that the programming is "taking", while a poor showing tells the NWO manipulators that they have to recast or "tweak" the programming until the desired response is achieved.
I suppose Springmeier just explained why it is that most people I talk to just don’t get it! I believe David Icke is correct. Most people have given up control of their minds, whether they know it or not. It's going to take a major paradigm shift to get us out of this mess! This kind of educational information needs to find itself into the mainstream ASAP! Tell everyone you can find, whether they slide or not.
Ron Robinson
A Majority of One
Three World Wars
Excerpts - What is the new world order?
"A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.
There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, (my emphasis) thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited."
Conspirators Hierarchy - Dr John Coleman 1992
"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
Paul Warburg - (February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate)
Why the Conspiracy is Unknown
The sheer magnitude and complex web of deceit surrounding the individuals and organizations involved in this conspiracy is mind boggling, even for the most astute among us. Most people react with disbelief and skepticism towards the topic, unaware that they have been conditioned (brainwashed) to react with skepticism by institutional and media influences. Author and de-programmer Fritz Springmeier (The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines) says that most people have built in "slides" that short circuit the mind's critical examination process when it comes to certain sensitive topics. "Slides", Springmeier reports, is a CIA term for a conditioned type of response which dead ends a person's thinking and terminates debate or examination of the topic at hand. (my emphasis) For example, the mention of the word "conspiracy" often solicits a slide response with many people.
What most people believe to be "Public Opinion" is in reality carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from the public. Public opinion polls are really taken with the intent of gauging the public's acceptance of the New World Order's planned programs. A strong showing in the polls tells them that the programming is "taking", while a poor showing tells the NWO manipulators that they have to recast or "tweak" the programming until the desired response is achieved.
I suppose Springmeier just explained why it is that most people I talk to just don’t get it! I believe David Icke is correct. Most people have given up control of their minds, whether they know it or not. It's going to take a major paradigm shift to get us out of this mess! This kind of educational information needs to find itself into the mainstream ASAP! Tell everyone you can find, whether they slide or not.
Ron Robinson
A Majority of One
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