
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Former Vietnam Combat and Commercial Pilot Firm Believer 9/11 Was Inside Government Job

Even though it’s a hard pill for some to swallow, Wittenberg says Americans need to “wake up and wake up fast,” holding those in government responsible even though it may mean a total makeover of the American political system.

“Is 9/11 and the phony war on terror any different or more serious than Pearl Harbor and World War II?,” asks Wittenberg. “The bottom line is all wars are contrived and it is these rich bankers and financiers who have pulled the strings and who have put these contrived events like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor into motion

“Power corrupts, money isn’t enough and these people want total control,” added Wittenberg. “These elites actually think they are better than everybody else and basically want power and control over the diminishing resources by creating a one world government.
[Lewis News]

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