
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Follow the [paper] money...ALL THE WAY

America’s founding fathers didn't get their wisdom from arguing philosophy or manipulating politics, but from understanding natural law and factual history back to classical Rome and Greece!

But if you have seen nothing; if the crimes of governments remain unknown to you, then I suggest you allow this informationn to pass unmarked. But if you are willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it, I suggest you take some time to sit down and get aquainted with a little history.....

Roman Empire Rules Today DVD#1
1 hr 51 min 27 sec - Jun 30, 2007

[Video Link]
“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Give a man religion and he will starve to death praying for a fish”
— Unattributed

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